
The well (said producer) causes the Dogger, a geothermal normal water reservoir located under the London basin. A heat exchanger transfers the heat belonging to the pumped water, at a heat of about 68 degrees, simply by conduction, to the water on the heat network.So is the dream accessible?

The answer is "yes" which includes a cost for the buyer projected between 2, 200 and COUPLE OF, 500 per m². Considering September 24, the street associated with Goussainville had an air with oil fields.

A 40-meter-high drilling rig operated Round the clock for 43 days continuously to dig 1 / 3 geothermal well 2. Heating and domestic hot waters A pipeline network of more than ten kilometers will then deliver this energy as hot water to the buildings being served. After giving its heat, the geothermal water, cooled for you to 45 degrees, is reintroduced for the Dogger by a well injector. With 100 delivery items, the Villiers-le-Bel and Gonesse home heating network, operated by the Coriance number, provides heating and domestic warm water needs of 7, 572 same in principle units. 2 kilometers deep (linear) for a price of about six meters for every hour.

And the constructive mode will never change: it will obviously become Brazed plate heat exchanger Ytong! It is a extraordinary operation that ends in Villiers-le-Bel. The marketing began in January 2018 throughout France and in Belgium. Avenidor SAS, a subsidiary with the KZB Group, will be in charge of building the future

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